Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Fun

Ok so I stole the idea from a coupla other blogs that I read. My thanks to Sniper and Bring the Heat for the idea.

Todays lady to end the week is none other than perhaps one of the most gorgeous women in movies and on TV. Jennifer Love Hewitt ends our week.

I'll see you folks on the flip side

The Grunt

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Say What???

Seems to me that if almost anyone else were to be saying the kind of crap that this idiotic shit for brains is saying we'd be in jail immediately. What makes him so special and why is he still in this country? In my opinion I'd say deport his ass no matter if he IS a legal US Citizen. The kind of crap he is spewing is considered treason by many people and that doesn't even begin to tell about his "wonderful" (sarcasm intended) racist remarks. Talking about a revolution in the way of Castro and other Hispanic Revolutionaries equals a one way trip to a fine Federal Institution in my opinion.. (H/T The Sniper for this one.)

Lock and Load one 30 round magazine and place your selector switches to semi......

From the HQ
The Grunt

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Courtesy of....

Many thanks to Blackfive and Uncle Jimbo for the article linked below.

Having also served during the final few years of the Cold War I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with Uncle Jimbo on this one. Reagen rocks and the former Communists can KMA.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Weekly Rant

As previously stated I am going to make changes to this blog and this is the start. Each Monday I will attempt to bring a weekly rant to the table and today is the first so here we go.

The topic for today's rant is Iran and it's nuclear ambitions.

Ok so Israel has nukes so why can't Iran level the playing field? Well one simple reason is that Israel is a bit more stable and sensible in it's governmental responsibilities than some of the people in charge of Iran. To be quite honest though I would trust the Mullah's more so than I would trust the dingbats that are in charge of Pakistan and India. At least we know where we stand with Iran but Pakistan is almost always in a state of flux in regards to our relationship with them and well India and Pakistan just plain hate each other and would not hesitate to drop a nuke on the other if they could do so without any type of retaliation.

Iran on the other hand we know hates our guts but it's people hate the current leadership so we can work around the hate. Iran also knows that it hasn't to worry only about Israel but many other nations that are also nuclear armed and I am not just talking about the US either. Britain, France and others also support Israel and are also nuclear armed. Iran may hate our guts and may want to wipe Israel off the map but I do not honestly believe they would be so stupid as to actually use a nuclear weapon on Israel or any other country.

From the HQ
The Grunt

Friday, May 7, 2010


Beginning Monday there are going to be some changes to the old blog page. Come back and find out what they are then.

(P/S I already changed the name) :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Honoring a Fallen Infantryman

Via Blackfive and Heat is this article about a young man who gave his life in service to our country and how his friend (AW1 Tim's son) honored his friends memory by joining the Army to serve in remembrance of his friend. Just go to the link and read it.