Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Memoriam (Saluting all our Veterans)

On the 11th day of the 11th month we salute those who served to defend this country and the freedoms so many of us take for granted. Today we remember those who survived and those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Today is Veterans Day in the United States of America.

I have served nearly 20 years in our military and it is something I take great pride in. I have many friends who are in the military and I am grateful for their friendship. Today let us remember all who served and pay tribute to those who have gone before us to keep this country free.

There are those who would say that the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have nothing to do with the freedoms we cherish so much here in America. To them I would say that if we let those who would cause harm in other parts of the world to gain a foothold anywhere then we risk losing that which we hold so dear. For if we allow the specter of terrorism or ruthless dictatorships to gain a foothold and we turn a blind eye to it then we will eventually lose our own freedoms here. Sooner or later that which we chose not to fight will gain a foothold on our shores and the beginning of the end of our freedoms will become a reality. It is for that reason that I and many others have chosen to wear the uniform of our military. To defend those who would not or could not do the same. To keep those who would violently take away our freedoms and cause those I love harm. To my brothers and sisters in the military I salute you and am honored to have been able to be counted amongst your worthy numbers.